FLYING: Confessions of a Free Woman

Do any of the women and their stories in FLYING stir you to action? Do you want to become more involved? Here is list of wonderful women's organizations for you to explore. If you would like to see other sites added, please send us a message in the Blog section.


Our Bodies Ourselves
OBOS is a nonprofit, public interest women's health education, advocacy, and consulting organization that provides clear, truthful information about health, sexuality and reproduction from a feminist and consumer perspective.

CWLU HerStory Project
The Chicago Women's Liberation Union (CWLU) is a radical women's liberation organization that is over thirty years old. We have over 300 members, and many different programs aimed at changing the lives of all women. The CWLU Herstory Website Project was organized in 1999.

Equality Now
An international human rights organization dedicated to action for the civil, political, economic and social rights of girls and women.

National Organization for Women (NOW)
NOW is one of the largest organizations of feminist activists in the United States with 500,000 contributing members and 550 chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Ms. Foundation
Known for starting Take Our Daughters To Work, the Ms. Foundation is the country's first national, multi-issue women's fund, which directs resources of all kinds to cutting-edge projects that nurture girls' leadership skills, protect the health and safety of women, and provide low-income women with the tools to lift themselves out of poverty.

With the mission of eliminating racism and empowering women, the YWCA is the oldest and largest multicultural women's organization in the world including 25 million members in 122 countries and 2 million members in 300 local associations in the United States.

Global Fund for Women
The Global Fund is a grant making foundation supporting women's human rights organizations around the world working to address critical issues such as gaining economic independence, increasing girls' access to education and stopping violence against women.

The Feminist Majority Foundation
Owner of Ms. Magazine, FMF is dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health, and non-violence by utilizing research and action to empower women economically, socially, and politically.


Center for Reproductive Rights
Nonprofit legal advocacy organization dedicated to promoting and defending women's reproductive rights worldwide. This website contains a lot of information and statistics about reproductive rights in the United States and around the world. Easy to find information organized by country.

National Organization for Women
This website has information about many topics including a section on reproductive rights. There is a fact sheet of historical highlights of reproductive rights, as well as up to date news information on reproductive rights legislation in Washington.


Pathfinder International
For the past 50 years, Pathfinder International has provided women, men, and adolescents throughout the developing world access to quality family planning and reproductive health information and services.

Reproductive Health Journal
This journal contains a large variety of articles concerning all aspects of reproduction from a global perspective. The reproductive health journal is peer reviewed and contains many studies and articles not found in print journals.

World Health Organization
The WHO website contains information about many aspects of reproductive health including but not limited to female genital mutilation, infertility, family planning, prevention of unsafe abortions, and maternal and newborn health. Each topic contains statistics as well as documents and publications for further reading.

Planned Parenthood
An easy to navigate, easy to understand site for those with less medical understanding. The information is not very in depth, but this is a good place to start. They also have job/volunteer opportunities posted on the website.

Margaret Sanger International Center
MSCI is the international arm of Planned Parenthood of New York City. MSCI promotes healthy sexuality, reproductive choice, and gender equity worldwide by providing specialized training and tailored technical assistance to local groups so they can develop their own culturally sensitive education programs, clinical services, and advocacy.

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)
Through research and training design, SIECUS is a keystone of the sexual education movement in the United States.


Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
RAINN has a hotline and offers help to those who have been abused. In addition there is a lot of information about preventing different kinds of abuse, recovering from abuse, and how to take legal action.

Family Violence Prevention Fund
The Family Violence Prevention Fund works to end violence against women and children and to prevent domestic violence. Their public service campaign "Coaching Boys into Men" urges men to teach their sons about violence and that it does not equal strength.

Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute
This website focuses on preventing child sexual abuse through research and education. They urge everyone to stay aware and spread the facts about child abuse in order to help prevent it. There is also information on different kinds of treatments for children who have been abused.

Child Abuse Statistics and Research
This wesite serves as a child abuse statistics and research reference guide for social workers.

V Day
V Day began as part of the outreach component of Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues and morphed into a 76 country-wide charity that has given over $25 million to end violence against women and girls.


International Labor Organization: Project to combat trafficking in children and women
This branch of the ILO focuses on preventing trafficking in the Mekong Sub-region of Asia, including Cambodia, China, Thailand, Vietnam and Lao. This is an extensive organization and the information is laid out in a clear and organized manner.

Child Wise
Child wise/ECPAT is an organization to prevent all forms of child abuse and exploitation including child sex tourism, child pornography, and child trafficking. The website contains basic information, ways to help and an extensive list of links and resources.


Single Mother Resources
This website provides information on financial resources and emotional resources, as well as more fun stuff like a book club and a forum with topics ranging from crafts and hobbies to financial questions and budgeting. There is also a lot of information about grants and scholarships for single mothers.

One Tough Job
One Tough Job was created by the Massachusetts Children's Trust Fund. While it does not specifically cater to single parents, it does contain a lot of information about parenting and children, including a list of parenting tips organized by the age of the child and a section on being stressed out.

iVillage's section on single parenting contains lots of practical articles about being a single mom. Many of the articles come from magazines including "Single Mother."


Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers
Dedicated to promoting health and human rights for sex workers, APNSW works throughout Asia to facilitate sex industry participation and information sharing on policy and health issues. Their colorful website includes many pictures and extensive reports.

The Sex Workers Project
The Sex Workers Project protects the rights and safety of sex workers who remain in the industry whether by choice, circumstance or coercion. The site contains extensive reports as well as resources for sex worker's rights and support.