FLYING: Confessions of a Free Woman

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Pakistani women cover Jen properly with a scarf while they walk in public down a small street on their way to a grassroots meeting of rural Pakistani women. [Pakistan]

Khosi (middle), her grandmother and her son, in their Soweto home.  Khosi lives here with her grandmother, mother, sisters and their children. They all live off the meager pension of the grandmother. [South Africa]

Jennifer films Duska, a Bosnian refugee now
living in London, as she applies makeup
before her Tango practice. Learning Tango
has been essential for Duska to make sense
of and heal from the war. [United Kingdom]

Jennifer films Paromita, a grass roots
organizer and civil rights lawyer before a day
in court. [India]

Somali-born Amina (right) and her
sister-in-law Kaltouma tell Jennifer about their first-hand experience of FGM, (Female Genital Mutilation), the effect it has on sexual pleasure and their efforts to prevent the continuation of the practice. [United Kingdom]

After a traumatic brain tumor operation, Jennifer’s friend Pat talks to her doctor about trying to find a solution for the chronic pain in her face. [United States]

CPU Meeting: Sichan (left), an advocate at the Cambodian Prostitutes Union meets with a prostitute who is trying to get advice and protection from a violent gang of men who target her at the brothel where she works. The police think she is crazy. Sichan warns her about going to the police because they are swayed by bribery. [Cambodia]

Jen catches up on sleep during her international journey to discover what it means to be a woman.

Jen in distress after a positive pregnancy test. [United States]

Jihan, an Egyptian woman living in France passes the camera with Jennifer while Jihan’s daughter styles her hair. [France]

Caroline, a British woman living in Berlin, passes the camera with Jennifer during her chemotherapy treatment for Ovarian Cancer.  [Germany]

Jennifer in mid-flight during her journey around the world.

Jennifer Fox and some of the women featured in FLYING at the International Documentary Festival in Amsterdam (From left to right: Amy Foote (Co Producer), Kaltouma, Caroline, Pat, Amina, Jennifer (Director/Producer), and Theresa.) [Holland] Credit: A. Teuissen

Jennifer Fox and some of the women featured in FLYING at the International Documentary Festival in Amsterdam (Top row, from left to right: Kaltouma, Caroline, Pat, Theresa.  Bottom row: Jennifer, Amina. [Holland] Credit: A. Teuissen

Jennifer Fox and Niels Pagh Andersen with their canine companion, Ptah, at work in their internationally-mobile edit suite. [Denmark] Credit: P. Wessel

Jennifer Fox

Jennifer Fox and Kaltouma, a Somali-born woman featured in Episode 5, at the International Documentary Festival in Amsterdam. [Holland] Credit: A. Teuissen

Jennifer Fox at the Copenhagen, Denmark airport. Credit: Camilla Stephan

Jennifer Fox at the Copenhagen, Denmark airport (2). Credit: Camilla Stephan

Jennifer Fox at the Copenhagen, Denmark airport (3). Credit: Camilla Stephan

Postcard for
Flying: Confessions of Free Woman

US Postcard for
Flying: Confessions of Free Woman